
UNLOCKING MOZAMBIQUE’S POTENTIAL: IMMIGRATION AND TAX CONSIDERATIONS Mozambique has been a central point in the oil and gas industry and expected to be the next top economic performers in Africa, due to the potential income from its vast quantity of natural gas off the coast of northern Mozambique a decade ago. This led to last year’s […]


WHAT TO DO AFTER YOUR EMPLOYEE HAS LEFT MOZAMBIQUE Oftentimes, HR and operations departments place a greater emphasis on an expatriate’s immigration requirements when initially entering a given jurisdiction that is required to kickstart a project or deliver to a client locally. After an expat has completed his assignment or has unexpectedly resigned, certain exit

Corona Virus Mozambique

CORONAVIRUS MOZAMBIQUE CLOSES SCHOOLS, SUSPENDS VISA ISSUANCE – PRESIDENT President Nyusi has just addressed the nation, announcing new coronavirus prevention measures due to take effect as from Monday, March 23,  for the next 30 days. Mozambique will subject all travellers , Mozambicans or foreigners, entering the country to a mandatory 14-day home quarantine. The President

Business or Work Trip A Target for Immigration Inspections in Mozambique

BUSINESS OR WORK TRIP? A TARGET FOR IMMIGRATION INSPECTIONS IN MOZAMBIQUE The number of LNG and construction projects has skyrocketed in the last 12 months leading to an increase in Immigration and Labour inspections in Mozambique. With this increase in the number of projects, companies, particularly foreign owned, are on the radar of both the

MOZAMBIQUE IMPROVES IMMIGRATION PROCESSES OIL & GAS SECTOR TO BENEFIT The discovery of natural gas along the shores of one of the poorest countries in Africa has paved the way for Mozambique to become the next major supplier of liquified natural gas. The expected influx of expatriates and investments into the exploration of LNG has

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